lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

La pacha


la pacha... this is my other ride... it came to me on may 2013... at that moment I was restating a citroen 3cv ak400 who was cruelly subtracted from me and never get any news about it... even if I felt very disappointed of the society where I live, It wasn't a reason for me to put my arms down... It was looking a selling page on the internet that I found it... a merida matts 40 with a tempting price, obviously I knew that nobody gifts anything, and in some way, I knew it would need some work on it...

Just to start, both tires were down to fabric plies, so I changed them instantly. Then, the seat post was broken, it wasn't a big deal for the old owner, but since I am 1,92 mt tall (6'4") it was a problem for me... so I changed it. After those arrangements I have been able to use it, at the beginning just for going to work, and then a little more riding. That's when I find out that the back rim was smashed, and generated a very annoying vibration while riding, mostly when speeding. My pacha was already getting in shape, called that way because of the pachamama, the mother earth, where it is able to enjoy bike-riding, far away from asphalt and traffic.
Some months after I added it the rack pannier with a trailer hook, for my kayak!

But it wasn't until the last February that I could finally hit the road wit it... A 205 kilometers (128 mi) ride planned by my brother through our beloved Patagonia, from Puerto Madryn to Puerto Piramides in an unforgettable weekend!


jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

One day at the office


Well... it's Sunday...6 am... the most boring day for the emergency car towing office... everybody is sleeping, all the garages are closed, any damaged car will need to wait until Monday to get fixed... So the only thing to do is letting my mind travel on the road maps... that's how the this idea to hit the road came again... looking for adventures without thinking too much in other things...

That's how I started this blog as well... hoping to be filled soon with more "crazy" ideas...

La chancha


It was in the year 2000... better said, Christmas 1999...when I was 15 years old... the moment when I get into "la edad del pavo" (how it is called the adolescent awkward age in Argentina), but it isn't relevant... That Christmas, I woke up in the morning and my parent had presented in the backyard this machine, ready for me! I remember it like if it was yesterday,I saw it and I realized that it had a flat tire... but it wasn't a concern, at that time I already had the equipment and the knowledge enough to make this flat tire a silly anecdote. This bike accompanied me during my last high school years and my first university years and... mi first road trips...That same year I ride from Puerto Madryn to Trelew... Further, from Mar del Plata to Balcarce and then, from Mar del Plata to Villa Gessel... it also accompanied me during my mind changes and helped me to support them... And now, 14 years later, it came back to life to keep riding on the highways, even though it will share with "La Pacha" my road madness.

It required a little of work, since the car, work, some girlfriends and study make it stay abandoned in my mom's house backyard for about 7 years, but it is already back, ready to ride again!