miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Day 5 and 6 (jun 3rd and 4th 2014)

Today I started to San Miguel del Monte, I started early to breack camp and I noticed that there was south-east wind... that means that I would have face wind all day long... That's why I was hurried to pick up everything an leave quickly, I had a long way in front of me, without places to stop in the middle of this part of the trip. Besides, the forecast service announced rain for the next day (jun 4th) (it was accurate and forced me to stay a whole day in San Miguel del Monte) This time I didn't stop too much, there is only one stop that deserve to be mentioned; when I met Pablo y Andres, that where on a side of the road with a pick-up and a harvester machine waiting for a truck i guess, and I talked a long time with them, while I rested my legs a little, that were a little sore because of the face wind.
After this meeting, I keep riding without problems until San Miguel del Monte, where I could make my camp in a gas station, where they allowed me to spend the rain day out of the road. This meant  a lost of time, but at the same time, it allowed my legs to recover a little from the past 3 days of constant pedaling, and also to read my physics notes, particularly about rolling friction, that made me see the failures of the kayak's trailer. in this day, I mentally remake the necessary modifications on the trailer, in order to make the trip easier... Anyway, it would't be possible to modify it until I get to Magdalena city, so I just could wait until the next day, with the company of Carlos y Simón, that made my day very friendly and funny!

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